For the past few years, more people have started to used CBD-derived products. They have seen its benefits and have been using it regularly. This has led to the questioning of CBD oil’s legality. Let’s take the time to discuss these questions.
Growing Hemp
Hemp was outlawed by the UK after World War One primarily because it was being confused by other forms of cannabis. However, times have changed and most of the hemp being grown today is in France. If you are from the UK, you can also grow industrial hemp from the Home Office Controlled Drugs Licensing department. This license will be valid for three years. Within that time, you can make products out of your hemp like hemp oil spray.
CBD Product Selling
If sellers of CBD products don’t advertise their benefits as medicinal, then that is completely fine in the UK. CBD products like CBD capsules can only make medicinal claims if they are licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
CBD Importing
With the rise of the CBD industry come regulatory laws around the world. If you are planning on reaching other countries, make sure that you have a license for it. Some countries can be much stricter than the UK.
Product Labelling
Brands in the UK are not allowed to sell their CBD products for medicinal purposes, but instead they are only allowed as food supplements with a daily recommended dose.
To learn more about the UK’s CBD laws, here is an infographic by Love CBD.