Bookkeeping Vs Accounting: What is the Difference?

The financial aspect is the most crucial thing a business owner should look after during the business process. This will serve a huge advantage from the others if you manage to look after them.

Many small business owners are facing problems when it comes to knowing all the terminologies and such that is why it is good to know them beforehand. Two of them that should be top of the list are bookkeeping and accounting.

To know them more here is the difference between the two.

What is the Definition if Bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping is also known as record keeping. It records transactions and businessactivities through journal entries in an accounting system. Bookkeeping, also known as record keeping, is the process of entering data into an accounting system. You can do this manually or on a physical pad or in small business bookkeeping app.

What is the Definition of Accounting?

Accounting involves the recording of financial transactions, as well as storing, sorting and retrieving the data, summarizing the results, and presenting them in reports and analyses. Accounting can also be a profession and a field of study.

For small business owners that doesn’t have the luxury to hire an accountant yet, you can use a business accounting software.

When Should You Hire a Bookkeeper or an Accountant?

Depending on their budget and needs, entrepreneurs can either hire in-house staff or outsource bookkeeping and accounting services. Many people prefer to hire the services of a small-business bookkeeping or accounting firm for their cost-effective benefits.

Whether you hire someone or not you should consider knowing the basics before entering the world of business as this will help you a lot in the long run. Consider to research and look for alternatives when the time comes. If you’re looking for comprehensive book-keeping services, the accountants at Morrison will give you expert advice on your annual book-keeping requirements.

For more information about the difference between accounting and bookkeeping read the infographic below by KIPPIN.